Thursday, August 24, 2017


Dr. Astell Collins and Ambassador Clyde Rivers

In June of 2017, Ambassador Clyde Rivers visited the great country of Guyana, South America. Part of his mission in Guyana was to bestow honor upon a great young leader that has established a leadership network that is educating the entire country of Guyana. Dr. Collins was awarded the iChange Nations™ World Civility Ambassadorship Award for his service to his country and his love for humanity.

Dr. Astell Collins is disseminating excellent leadership principles and impacting his nation with his message. He is bringing this training through BD1 Leadership Development Seminars. Furthermore, he is the CEO and Founder of BD1 Leadership which was established while he lived in South Africa over 8 years ago. Dr. Astell is also the Youth Advisor for PANCAP – Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (CARICOM).

Ambassador Rivers was quoted saying, “As I met Dr. Astell Collins I was overwhelmed by the great influence this young leader possessed. He is cultivating unity and leadership like none I’ve seen in the world. This is why he was appointed as a World Civility Ambassador and this was a unanimous decision among the powers that be in the World Civility Movement.”

The first iChange Nations™ World Civility Ambassador Award was bestowed upon the prestigious, former President of Zambia Africa, H.E. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda. Dr. Kaunda has served mankind as a major peace-keeper on the continent of Africa bringing unity to all the tribes of Zambia and aiding Nelson Mandala in his fight for freedom. He is a true representation of an Ambassador of World Civility reflected in all that his life has represented in caring for mankind.

The World Civility Day was established as the global outreach of Community Civility Counts; a resolution for civility unanimously passed by the State Senate of Indiana USA, January 26, 2016. The creators of Community Civility Counts, Dr. Gordon Bradshaw and Dr. Charles Hughes have worked hard to establish civility in their home state of Indiana and other states. 

Community Civility Counts has grown from a local initiative to treat others with respect into an international movement of World Civility. It was inducted into membership in the Society of Innovators of Northwest Indiana and was a finalist for a prestigious Editor and Publisher EPPY Award. Bob Heisse, Executive Editor of the Northwest Indiana Times has picked up the civility cause and is promoting it globally.

World Peace Ambassador Rivers said, “This Community Civility Counts resolution caught my attention. As Founder and President of iChange Nations™, and as a World Peace Ambassador for the Golden Rule International Award, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated,’ I was compelled to become the global spokesperson for World Civility Day acknowledged every April 14. As civility continues to be a great need around the world, representing World Civility Day gives me great pleasure and hope for our world as we move to establish World Civility Day globally by awarding individuals like Dr. Astell Collins.”

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nationsa professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. iChange Nations™ is also the Largest Establishing Honor Systems in the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, establish honor systems, train and support the nation building process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

Golden Rule Ambassador Clyde Rivers is also the Representative for the Golden Rule International and the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative, North American Division to the United Nations – New York. Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative is affiliated with the Department of Public Record (DPI) – United Nations as well as affiliated with the United Religious Initiative (URI), an Interfaith Peace organization. The Golden Rule International Award is now established in 120 nations of the world. This organization seeks out top achievers that live the Golden Rule in their everyday life. This is a new global ethic that the leadership of the Golden Rule International Award, Patron, Former President of Ethiopia, Girma Wolde and Ambassador Mussie Hailu have embraced and are promoting globally.

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